Recently, Defence Community Dogs contacted Blackdog about donations of our treats. The donations are for dogs in training to become Assistance Dogs for Veterans with PTSD. We loved the sound of this amazing charity, and jumped at the opportunity on helping them out.
A little more background on Defence Community Dogs. Starting off in 2014, their purpose is providing highly trained Assistance Dogs to serving and ex-serving Australian Defence force members who need support in their homes and in the community. These dogs also increase the self-esteem and independence of the Veterans. So, youâve probably deduced that this is an important cause, thatâs why we are more than happy to send out boxes of treats for the doggies in training.
After the 8 to 10 months of training, the furry friends are ready and will graduate. What makes this even more important, is the fact that the charity does not receive any government funding. The Veterans receive the Assistance Dogs at no cost. This is all thanks to the generosity of companies and donations. The team at Blackdog hopes to continue providing donations for this pawsome charity, in the form of tasty treats!
For more information on Defence Community Dogs visit their website here: