Who doesn’t love a good natural treat? Well our furry counterparts definitely feel the same way.
Let’s look into what makes a natural treat beneficial for our pets. Firstly, as pet owners we want to feel confident that the nutritional decisions we make for them will have a positive impact in the long run. That is why many pet owners are making a conscious effort in choosing treats that are as natural as possible.
One of the aspects that make a great natural treat is high quality ingredients, which promotes dental health, high protein, and has essential vitamins and minerals. All of which are in Blackdog and Blackcat treats of course…
Just like humans our pet’s stomach, brain and heart is sensitive to what they eat or drink. This can affect their mental wellbeing because any imbalance in their diet can cause inflammation, which leads to stress. Think about it for a second… stressing about our diet, too real hey? So, choose treats with minimal processing and additives. Like our treats (unsubtle plug).
Another aspect that makes an amazing natural treat is coming from a single source of protein. Don’t get us wrong, treats that have a combination of proteins like Chicken and Pork for example are still great. However, when you do feed your pet a single source protein, it is less likely to have a negative response on their immune system. Food for thought!
It can be a little stressful when it comes to choosing the right treats for your pet, but as long as you try and stick to the aspects mentioned earlier then everything should be AOK.
Although if you want to lower your stress levels even more. You can always try Vitalitae Superfood Dog Treats. Which is an all-natural wellness superfood treat with hemp seed oil for dogs. If that’s piqued your interest, check it out here: https://vitalitae.com.au/